Relm sweet Relm

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My favorite animals
I like rodents...

This is my first animation, her name is Mousie. She doesn't run forever so you'll have to refresh her to see her run again.
When I was younger I would play my hands were little creatures, that were half monkey and half flying squirrel, that I called Chin-chies.Later I found out about these.
Not a rodent.
This is a suger glider, a marsupial, a teacher I once had named Bob owned (and probably still owns) one. I think it was a female.She spent most of her time sleeping and when disturbed would annoyedly chatter:
Aduhduhduhdduhduhduhduh duh!!!!
This is Monita (On top, her name means "little monkey"in Spanish and she belongs to my sister, Naomi.) and Estrella (Underneath, her name means "star" in Spanish and she belongs to me.)theyr'e all cuddled and sleeping 'till night when they scurry about their cage and nible on their seeds and grain.
I am sad to say that Estrella, my mousie, died on Oct.5,03. She is now in Mousie Heaven with Cherokee, my first mouse.
08:> <:80 Two mousie angels! On that day after we found Estrella dead, Mom said we should get a replacement so Monita wouldn't be alone.So we got a new mousie named Traya and Joel,AKA "Ninvus" and Jacob desided to get a mouse each as well, so now we have Monita, Naomi's, Traya, mine, Squibble, Joel's, and Minty, Jacob's.And their all happily sleeping in a heap of cuteness in the corner of their cage as I write this.
I'll try to get a new picture of them soon.
Little packrat
My Mom says I'm a packrat because I collect stuff and don't like to throw it away.
Rat and mouse site
This site is made by people that love rodents just like I do. I recamend The Mouse Knight, its got some swearing but other then that I loved it. Be sure to read the sequill as well!
This is a drawing I drew on the computer of my little Traya baby. She's eatting a sunflower seed, Can you find the lady bug?